Within a few days, mule colt buyers traveled many miles from their home states to Kentucky and Pennsylvania. To lay a little more impact on these events, there were residents from approximately twenty-five states serving as buyers and consignors.
To wrangle 450 mule colts is a challenge to all who worked the sales, loaded and unloaded these babies over those few days.
Many in the mule industry was unsure of what to expect from the colt market in the Fall of 2024. It was with great approval and relief, the market surprised everyone.
First, let's look at the results from each sale; then will compare to 2023 to see the difference.
Hoover's Family Annual Colt Sale laid the foundation in stabilizing the mule colt market on Friday October 18th in Russellville Kentucky. The Adin Hoover Family did their usual job of hosting a wonderful sale in a new facility.
In speaking with Jonathan Hoover, Auctioneer and Sale Management, he shared the bidders slowed down this year reflecting they were thinking about each bid being made and the total being spent. With this being said, it helped the market and his sale as the following statistics will reflect.
A 167 head of mule colts were brought to the sale ring. (Remember, colts are usually weanlings under a year old; no more than 2 years of age.) Only 3 of these were no sales; 7 were under $2000; 10 were $7000 and over. This leaves a little over 85% of colts sold in the average price range of $2500 to $5600.
Hoover's Sale was a really good sale and laid a strong foundation in what was to come during the next week for the mule industry. A more detailed break down of the prices from this sale are the top colt sold for $12000 followed by three colts in the $9000 to $10000 range. An outstanding 70% of the colts at this sale sold in the $3375 to $5600 range.
Oliver was the Jack used for the top selling mule colt sold by Elmer King. Following King in sales was colts consigned by Elmer Zook, Julian Farms and Isreal Beiler.
A story shared by Elmer King really sums up the uncertainty that comes with breeding programs for mule colts. King stated his colt in 2023 was from the same jack using the same mare and was a red horse mule colt bringing around $1500. This year he was blessed with a blonde mare mule colt and topped the sale.
A change noted by many buyers in 2024 was nearly all of the colts were in sale ready status. They were fat, slick, clipped and ready to be presented for sale. It was evident the colts has been maintained throughout the past several months.
The overall average for this sale was right at $4000, increasing a little over $500 per head from 2023.
The Abner Stoltzfus Farm Colt Sale in Quarryville PA did not disappoint. With a 140 head going through the ring, there were zero no sales. There was a couple of colts pulled prior to sale due to injuries in transit and owners felt it best to hold the colts for healing to receive their full value.
This sale offered amazing overall quality. With only 6 head clocking out under $3000 and 10 head $8000 and above, this accounts for a tad over 10%. Another 10% average $6220. This left 80% selling into the $3500 to $5400 price range.
These prices again building on the stable foundation Hoover's Sale started seven days earlier.
The top selling colt was a molly mule, sired by Harley and raised by Leon King at $10,500. She offered it all to buyers seeking that special mule colt. Following was three colts topping out at around $9000, all of these were Harley colts and raised by Amos Stoltzfus, Benuel Stoltzfus and Norman Yoder.
There were a couple of pens of black mule colts, one of which bid out at $9000.
The overall average for this sale was little over $4800 which is $400 higher 2023. It was pretty much expected for this sale to hold its average due to the elite set up of the consignments invited to this sale. The quality of these colts are usually really good throughout the whole sale and that alone holds the price steady.
The J&E Colt Sale, held the following day also in Quarryville PA, stepped up their game and the payoff was extreme for consignors.
John Stoltzfus and Elam Glick picked up on a need a couple of years ago and begin organizing a second Quarryville Colt Sale. The first couple of sales was a learning experience that they built on. The 2023 sale was a difficult year for everyone as the market was flooded with mule colts and the prices dropped substantially for every head that was not at the front of the pack.
The 2024 Sale however, placed the J&E Sale on another playing field.
With a 143 mule colts selling the prices alone reflected the quality and condition of the consignments. The top colt was a stunning black mare mule, sired by Locomotive and raised by Daniel King selling for $11000.
With 5% of the sales being the top 4 head, the few no sales and one head under $2000 this leaves a huge 95% of consigned stock averaging between $2500 and $5400. Of this 95% about 45% of these sold in the $4300 to $5400 price range.
In 2023 this sale averaged right under $2700 per head. Their average for 2024 was slightly over $3800.
Facts playing into this increase was again more of the stock being in sale ready shape and sale managers setting up deadlines to better serve their consignors. Another positive asset was being able to build upon the solid foundation set into play at the first sale one week prior.
In realizing some consignors who had averaged $6000 to $8000 on their stock over the past couple of years, it was a difficult change. Another noticable change was the black mule colts made a definite come back to popularity. But in talking to many who raise colts, they all were basically in agreement $3500 and above is a good price for colts that will allow them to have a profit and continue to operate.
In flipping that pancake, those who buy colts to feed and raise for resale are place at a more rational position in selling these colts as 3 year olds, which will return to buyers at the next phase. Everyone enjoys the top price years, but to continue going higher and higher will begin constricting the client base.
In considering everything, the colt price stabilization was a great move for the colt market that could soon reflect in the mule market.
Followers know many articles shared on Dixie are based on numbers as it is felt this is a true and accurate way to report and compare from year to year.
In the 2024 Fall Colt Sales approximately 450 mule colts were sold with an average of a little over $4300. There were less than 2% no sales and 95% of these colts sold between $2500 and $5500.
Congratulations to consignors, sale managers and buyers for each doing their part to help stabilize this market which will play a role in it's future.
What's Next
The next obstacle or challenge the mule industry tackles will be the January Sales for our area. There are 100 more colts expected to show up at January Sales. Some of the 3 year olds selling will be from high buying colt sales. However, some are wondering if a stabilization process is needed in the mature mules.
Note to Subscribers:
Various colt photos and prices are available to you in the 'Sweet Feed' section of Dixie Longears.