Coverage of the Reese Bros 100th Year Celebration and Annual Riding Mule Sale will be in various stages. Online subscribers will have access to various videos taken prior to the sale offering preview of as many mules as possible during pre-competition and pre-sale interviews / warm-up sessions. This event is set up a little differently than the past years due to the crowd expectancy. Dickie Reese has made arrangements for coverage of the competitive trail in hopes of offering live coverage of this event as well as the sale. DIXIE Longears will be set up for photo sessions, live interviews and milling about capturing various riders exhibiting the talent of their consigned stock. Various information will be available to general public. If you are attending the sale / celebration, stop by and leave Reese Bros a special story from the past, have a picture taken or share information about your consignment. DIXIE will be set up on the grounds Thursday. Reese Bros Riding Mule Sale and 100th Year Celebration, Bentle Drive, Westmoreland TN @ the Westmoreland Expo Center.