
Nov 26, 2020 at 04:37 am by cindy4dixie

Thanksgiving for mule families, as well as many, many others, will have an empty seat at the table this year.  The mule industry has lost many to COVID-19 during 2020.  Heartfelt prayers go out to our extended families asking God to take them by the hand and help them through the days to come.

At the same time we have many who are sitting by the bedside or in a hospital parking lot, praying the ultimate loss passes them by today, tonight, tomorrow.  They pray for their loved ones to be just a little better 'today', to show just a small sign of improvement lift their spirits.  

With this in mind, I ask each to remember those we have lost - the ones we know personally and the ones we have just 'heard' about.  We should lift all we can up in prayer and be thankful for what the good Lord has blessed us with; be thankful for famliy and neighbors who continue to hold on to their health.  Spend a little time this Thanksgiving weekend sitting into place a new tradition -- locate a shut-in and do a porch drop of a Thanksgiving meal.  Call and check on family and friends.  

Jeff and I pray each of you have a safe, blessed Thanksgiving.

Sections: Longear News


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