Read, Act, Share .....

Dec 02, 2020 at 08:24 am by cindy4dixie

Mulelovers, fans and followers ..... The January issue of Dixie Longears will be delivered right before Christmas this year.

DIXIE wants to reunite friends and mule families far and near by asking anyone and everyone in the mule industry to send information to fill a FREE space for a holiday greeting, hello greeting or share news about your family and / or business.  Pending your submission, the spaces will average from 2x3 to 4x5 inche spaces. This information can be a photo and wordage or a simple holiday greeting.   Send your information early, drop a note if you would like holiday art work added to your space with your submitted photo or greeting.  Also, if you simply want to say Hello to everyone to begin 2021, that is great too.  No holiday mention is necessary.  For those who visit or do business with Amish communities please pass this information along to them so they may mail in a note, greeting, etc to be published.

Together we can haul a large load .....    615-615-5356    PO Box 414, Woodbury, TN 37190


Sections: Longear News


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