Pennsylvania October 2021 Colt News

Oct 27, 2021 at 10:07 am by cindy4dixie


UPDATE 10/28 2PM -- Ben Smucker colts have been added to the slide show along with Amos Stoltzfus and a few others.

UPDATE 10/28 11AM --  Amos Stoltzfus, Dan Hoover and a couple of more have arrived with colts.  Photos in slide show.

 UPDATE 10/28 6 AM:  

The Stoltzfus family is up early and working by lights waiting on the sun to come up. The majority of the colts are expected to arrive today. Ben Smucker's colts will be here early today as well. Many will recall Ben and Abner worked close to create this sale from their farm stock 5 years ago. The honesty, integrity and family atmosphere has lead this event to a great success.
All of Dixie Followers are asked to keep a family that is close to Ben Smucker in their prayers. Ben and his wife are assisting with eight children who lost their parents in an auto accident. Many of the children were hurt but are doing well.
Photos will be posted with owners names as colts arrive at the Stoltzfus family farm.

The first stop of the week for October 2021 Colt Sale week is Abner Stoltzfus farm.  The Stoltzfus family hosts the farm colt sale this Friday the 29th.  Abner's colts seem to be bigger in built this year than the past couple .... why we are not sure but they are large to be weanlings.  As with tradition, these colts are in top shape, feeling good and high quality colts.  Here are some fun snap shots from early this morning.  

Check back often ..... headed to look at some colts for the Saturday Oct 30th sale....

Sections: Longear News


Note, these are only the Stoltzfus family colts raised on this farm. There will be about 60 to 70 more colts arriving today and tomorrow. Look for more pics as others arrive.
The Stoltzfus family is up early and working by lights waiting on the sun to come up. The majority of the colts are expected to arrive today. Ben Smucker's colts will be here early today as well. Many will recall Ben and Abner worked close to create this sale from their farm stock 5 years ago. The honesty, integrity and family atmosphere has lead this event to a great success. All of Dixie Followers are asked to keep a family that is close to Ben Smucker in their prayers. Ben and his wife are assisting with eight children who lost their parents in an auto accident. Many of the children were hurt but are doing well. Photos will be posted with owners names as colts arrive at the Stoltzfus family farm.
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