Well folks .... here we go again. The week of January 17th is a travel / rest week for many in the mule industry as many prepare for the sales in Pennsylvania. There are Draft Horse Sales in Harrisburg PA this week as well as a Mule Sale at Mel's Stables on Saturday the 22nd. The sale that will get a lot of attention in the mule industry will be the Jonas King Mule Sale on January 26th at the Salanco Fairgrounds in Quarryville PA.
Over the past several years, Jonas King has continued to grow his sale and meet expectations he sets for himself from year to year. This year is looking as if it will be no different. Jonas King has shared some early photos of consignments for his sale .... and believe it or not ..... he is expecting around 20 mule colts. There will be many, many three and four year old mules at this sale. Most of the traders will be represented at this sale by their top stock. Expect to see stock broke to never touched. If you have a favorite color, it will be represented at this sale. If you need a mate for a mule already owned, it could be there. Aged mules, young mules, single mules, teams .... they will be at this sale. Expect to see over 300 head consigned.
DIXIE will be in PA gathering consignment photos and sharing videos from Jonas' Sale beginning early Tuesday. Check back often for updates on consignments.
Also look for these beauties at the Jonas King Sale