A small novel could be written on this sale and the impact it had on the mule industry. Leroy Hoover has definitely created a name for himself in the mule industry for having broke, outstanding mules. When he presents them to the crowd for consideration, one best bid quick and pay attention. In 2021 his team of mules were impressive bringing in the upper twenty thousand range. In 2022, Leroy presented a pair of mules that left the ring with the final price of $36,000.
With over 500 head in the barn, there was something for everyone. Nice mules, mule colts, aged mules, green broke mule, broke mules and the same with horses. Prices were amazing considering the number of head. Majority of the mule colts stayed in the $4000 to $7000 range. This sale, like many others, were light in two year olds. There were several three, four, and five year old mules which danced in the $6000 to $11,000 range.
This sale was an ample provider of horses. One group of horses were amazing. They consignor brought 25 head to the sale and sold them. He did not come to 'no sale' stock and was a serious consignor. His team of caretakers took care of the stock and groomed them until they entered the sale ring. This paid off as his Belgian herd brought some top prices many reaching the $9000 and $10000 dollar mark. Learn more about owner Christy Troyer in the April 2022 issue of Dixie.
This sale too was at a new location, over came obstacles, pulled together and produced an outstanding sale.
See complete sale live on Dixie Longears You Tube channel and look for photos to be posted soon as well as a story in April issue of Dixie.