Reese Bros Mules / TN Mule Sales held their annual Riding Mule Sale today. The highest selling consignment was very unusual. It was the highest selling consignment of this riding sale; this purchase also broke another current record from mule sales in the south. The current high selling team of mules, from our southern sales, has been held by Hoover Mule Sale with consignor LeRoy Hoover in the amount of $42,000.
Today, at a riding mule sale, Phil and Holly Dunivan consigned a pair of horse mules who topped out at $48,000. This team not only works to a wagon, they ride exceptionally.
Wayne and Patty Tidwell fell in love with the mules when they begin to see them on the consignment list. Making their way to Tennessee from Arkansas, this beautiful team was theirs when the hammer fell.
There will be more numbers and details on the rest of this sale shortly.
Pictured is Wayne Tidwell, Patty Tidwell, Holly Dunivan, Missy Woodard, Phil Dunivan, Mark Welch, Justin Reed and Robyn Arnold