Reese Mules 2024 Riding Sale Results

Apr 28, 2024 at 04:21 am by cindy4dixie

When selling a record breaking $48,000 team of mules, one might wonder what else there is to say about a mule sale.  In the case of Reese Bros Riding Mule 2024 Sale, there is lots left to ponder over.

For those who follow Dixie Longears' sale results, each know we are a strong advocate of sharing true and fair sale results.  As a follower once shared, "if you don't compare apples to apples, then you don't have a solid idea of the market".  This is always in the back of my mind when sharing sale results.  To be blunt, if there is any doubt that a particular bid or sell is not a true bid, I will not dwell on it and sometimes avoid listing it at all. 

The Reese Bros Riding Sale was truly on fire!  The crowd and online bidding was amazing.  Consignors came with mules ready to sell and won the confidence of the buyers with their stock.  Buyers and consignors were from all over the United States; those not able to attend purchased online.   I spent a lot of time with consignors and buyers at this sale and the confidence across this sale as a whole was great. 

Zack and Handsome, a pair of 7 and 8 year old full brothers onsigned by Phil and Holly Dunivan, tapped out at $48,000.  These near identical mules were beautiful under saddle and work as a team to boot.  This team simply had it all, and several traveled to this sale in hopes of taking them home.  The Tidwells from Arkansas held the reins at the end of the day, when the auctioneer stated 'Sold $48,000 Arkansas bond!'."  With the Tidwells being from Arkansas, the subject of Clinton Races came up and Wayne stated "these will be there pulling a big red wagon and enjoying the races".  So anyone attending the Clinton races and wanting to see these beauties in person, look for the Tidwells and their wagon during that week. 

The Select, Preconsigned Mule sale consisted of 74 entries.  These mules were center ring, exhibiting their abilities near 48 hours, allowing spectators to ask questions, ride, watch and make a list of their favorites.  As the sale begin, it was evident the Select portion of this sale was going to be a barn-burner.

Let's talk numbers --

Out of 74 head there were only three no sales. 

The top eleven head averaged near $14,000 each; when removing the $48000 team the top nine left averaged $11,500.

Next two head averaged $9,250

The following five head averaged right at $8,400

Seven head averaged $7,300

The next fifteen head averaged over $5,600

Only 25% of the select consignments were under a $4,000 average.

The facility for this sale is amazing, family friendly, the atmosphere was calm, happy and lots of socializing time.  There were many 'lawn chair participants' who lined the alley watching these mules warm up each morning and watching their talents or mishaps for two days.  The consignors shared if a mule had a fault and what it was, allowing buyers to be totally aware of what they were purchasing.  (TIP:  every mule has a glitch, owners just had to decide if it is something they can deal with as a new owner.)

The riding mule sale was a new game for Reese Mules when Richard Reese became more involved in the business.  He really wanted to have an elite riding mule sale.  Rufus, Vivian, Rilla and Richard had all entered the show ring on mules.  Many of the Reese family rode mules on the trail, and still do.  The Reese Family worked promoting this sale for several years.  Each sale, over the years, had it's success stories.  From someone who has followed this sale from the first one, the Reese Family can honestly say the whole sale was a success in 2024! 

This sale is available for viewing on Dixie Longears Youtube Channel: Reese Riding Mule Sale 2024  Part Two

Watch the Trail Competition from Preview Day on Dixie Longears Youtube Channel:  Reese Riding Mule 2024 Preview

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Sections: Longear News


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