Okay followers, friends, longeared lovers, subscribers and all in between.
Saturday is the Mel Hoover Stables Mule Sale in New Holland PA. This sale will not be live streamed but as soon as possible, I will share some updated and numbers with you. The Austin and Young Duo are usually the large consignors to the Mel Hoover sale. Brian Austin and Brandon Young have worked their way into the mule industry and continue to make a great impact today. Many from Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama are headed to Pennsylvania to support the two sales in Pennsylvania this week.
All detailed information wil be posted to the subscribers only section. So subscribers, make sure you can log into your account for access to all the sale happenings.
The Jonas King sale will be run live compliments of Jonas King. This sale is going to be a barn buster! In expecting 100 colts and some two year olds, adding the fact there could be 400 head -- this is adding up to be an exciting sale. Dixie will be sharing pre videos and other information about this sale beginning Monday evening or Tuesday morning. The sale is Wednesday at 9AM. Again, many in the Mule Industry from Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and Alabama will be supporting this sale as well. A few of the noted regular consignors are Mitchell, Epperson, Redmon, Smoker, Kelso just to name a few.
So keep in touch with lots of news, stories, videos, pics from New Holland and Quarryville Pennsylvania the next several days.