Fall was in the air at the Matthew Hoover homestead, as the Hoover Family joined forces to work enlist hours, to provide another amazing sale. The first surprise came in the number of head consigned to this sale. A total of 371 head, with 185 of these being mule colts. This is double the number of mule colts this sale had last year.
At the beginning of the sale, Hoover Mules announced next years sale would be held at the Christian County Ag Center. This will be the same location as their January Mule Sale. The move is necessary due to the growth of the sale. The same wonderful customer service will be available to consignors and buyers. The atmospher of the Matthew Hoover farm will be missed.
Now, lets talk 2023 colt sale numbers!
The top sales for the colts were astounding at $14,100, $12,000, $10,800, $10,000, $8,700, $8,300 and $8,000! Kentucky breeder, Johnny B Stoltzfus, definiately has the combination to produce above normal colts, as four of these top colts came from his breeding program.
Approximately 7% of the colts fell into the price range of $5,000 to $6,800. This price range represented outstanding colts. They were of great confirmation, color and size.
The next 40% (approximately) sold in the $3,000 and $4,800 area. Many of these colts were of great confirmation, color and size. Wait! How can this be said about this group as well as the previous group? Remember, we are looking at 185 colts going through one sale. There are two more major colt sales at the end of October that have some of the best colts on the market. Buyers were holding this in mind as they continued to purchase colts at this sale.
With 24% of these colts falling in the $2,000 to $2,900, many had flashbacks of a few years ago, when top colts were purchased in this range.
This annual sale was absolutely perfect. The atmospher, the weather, a packed crowd and phenomenal auction crew could not have been any better. Congratulations to Hoover Mules on another highly successful sale.
Watch the 2023 Hoover October Colt Sale in full on the Dixie YouTube Channel