When teams are accepted to Mule Jam, not only are the mules considered but the mule skinner behind the mule plays a large role. Mules are born with certain attitudes but the person working the mule can make a large difference. We are proud to have Kerry King back with a team in 2023. Kerry may not be known by name to many, but he is known as 'the man from Tennessee that sold the pair of extremely broke 3 year old horse mules". For those just learning, horse mules are more likely to act like two year old kids their whole life; whereas a mare mule is calmer in general. Kerry brings Mule Jam 2023 Team 10 .... Mindy and Mandy, 5 year old blonde mare mules, standing about 16'1 (will be officially measured at Mule Jam). This will be a team to keep your eye on. They will be broke, they will have ground manners, they will be used to vehicles, noise and being out and about. Don't miss this team!